I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I have been so frustrated the last few days - even with Andy Warhol's wisdom. I didn't really know where our dossier was (I realize I need to get over this). We sent in the new medical license they requested. Was it still on its butt on the sidewalk outside of the consulate or did they welcome it back in since everything was (I hope!) in order? My inspiration here is "Bill" from "Schoolhouse Rock" fame. Anyone remember Bill - I'm just a bill. I'm only a bill. And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill?
Then, there were posts on one of the Yahoo! groups about Kazakhstan not processing any dossiers from the good old U.S. of A. (I realize I need to not hang on every word that is written on the message boards). Have I said that I don't do well with the unknown? I am not one of those people who throws themselves into the abyss of "I don't know" with joy and abandon. I want to know, darn it. I would like to use stronger language, but this a family blog, isn't it?
This morning our coordinator emailed me and said that the dossier is back in. It has been since 2/16/08. And, our dossier is in New York, not D.C. Apparently, they are not processing dossiers in D.C. I haven't heard anything about New York.
I have really leaned on other PAPs & APs, which I so appreciate and I am eternally grateful. And, now after chatting and emailing and commenting, I am sitting here wondering why I was so freaked out. Ha!
I just needed to know that it was back in. SIGH.
So, hope springs eternal. See that photo up there? Daffodils in our yard. I am sure they are covered with ice and snow right now, but still! Daffodils. A sign of new life . . . hope!
girl, I don't blame you. You want to know WHERE it is and what is the deal. I'm so glad you're in NYC not DC. NY IS processing dossiers, but some mean old new guy doens't view adoption as a priority in DC.
It's so hard not knowing what is up.
Even if you're not a control freak it's hard. I'm not a control freak, but it would be nice to know when we are going to leave on a 2 month adventure. It is rather a big deal to leave your life for 2 months and bring home a new child (hopefully)
I'm super glad your dossier is back in and feel sure it will be moving to Kaz soon. Do not listen to any of those rumors. Easier said then done, I know...but just listen to your agency. Remember when we freaked out because of the whole age thing? Nothing ever happened, sure, it still could.
But really, freaking out isn't healthy. and you are healthy.
Forget the yahoo boards! A rumor can cause mass panic on there. (I still read it though - ha!) I'm right there with you on needing to know if anything is happening or if we are just at the bottom of a pile somewhere. Unfortunately we have no news either. But wouldn't it be great if we traveled at the same time??
Here's what I have to say
1. My agency said that NY isnt having issues. its only DC because they have new staff. i was a little concerned about that too.....
2. i think that those message boards need to be charged for inciting public alarm. seriously i email my agency every day and ask them to dispel rumors. they are probably so tired of me.....
hang in there sister
I am so glad you got the word from your coordinator!
You know what? Those daffodils make me jealous. Totally and completely insanely jealous. Would you mind if I came and visited? I'll just hang out by your daffodils.
You already know all my thoughts. And probably more than you ever wanted to! :-)
Glad to hear that you are back in!!! I have also heard that New York is going ahead on schedule--only DC is stopped right now so I am so glad you are in NY.
I do remember Bill from schoolhouse rock!
So glad to hear your dossier is back in and in NY. I know it's hard not to listen to those message boards. I hardly ever read them but I am like you too - I NEED to know! Freaking out is definitely okay!
Angela, the process seems to make everyone crazy. If you can just focus on your agency - and the flowers poking through the cold winter ground - it will happen. I believe that.
Angela, so glad to hear you're in. Mine went to NY also and was out very quickly!
I read the boards too, but the rumors go in one ear and out the other. I trust my agency to let me know if I need to worry about something. Why worry about something unnecessary? We have enough on our minds with all of this!
Congrats, and can't wait to hear it's on it's way to MFA!!
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