Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Scott!

Help us celebrate Scott's birthday!
Scott's birthday is tomorrow. Happy 39th! We have known each other for almost 20 years. When I first met him, he was a cute hippie with long hair and an earring! Now, he is a handsome academic. Scott is an amazing father and husband. He is so thoughtful and loving. Both Luca and I (and "Saskia") are so fortunate to have him to take care of us. He is also an excellent scholar and teacher. And, I don't know anyone else who has such vast knowledge of trivia - particularly popular culture and movies. If you want to know anything about a movie that came out in the 1970s, he is your man.

So, wish Scott a happy birthday! Happy birthday, honey!


Anonymous said...
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marsrob said...

Happy birthday!!! You sound WONDERFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Scott!!
If I had know, I would have sent you "Know-It-All" by A.J. Jacobs about a man who read the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica. It's both informative and hilarious! He might be your match in trivia....

Kim said...

Happy Birthday! You and my husband would get along great with your vast knowledge of movie lines. Cracks me up!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Scott!!

Wow!! 20 years?!?! Amazing!

Regina said...

Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like your wife is still madly in love with you. Smart AND handsome....of course! :-)

Sam said...

Happy bday from the aloha state. sorry i missed it. the internet stinks here!

McMary said...

Sorry I'm late but Happy Birthday Scott.

Scott said...

Thanks to my wonderful wife for the birthday post. And thanks to everyone else for their kind birthday wishes. To point out just how gracious my wife is, she refrained from telling all of you that on my birthday I managed to lock myself out of the house and had to break a window, shattering glass all over the playroom (and toys) in the process. I had to climb on the garden hose reel to reach the window and managed to fall off of that trying to get in the window, twisting my ankle. I then proceeded to cut myself several times climbing in the window.

I also forgot that my driver’s license expired on my birthday, so I spent a good part of that afternoon (after tending to my wounds) waiting for a new license at the DMV. The picture did not turn out well.

Fortunately, all of that was forgotten when I got home that night and Angela and Luca took me out for pizza. Angela also bought me a beautiful new suit and Luca ‘gave’ me a new toy car he picked out while shopping with Angela. When we got home they both sang a rousing rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ and we all had home made banana cupcakes. Really a great birthday with the family. Thanks Ang.
