Alia continues to be her cheerful yet serene self. I had thought about the name Serena for her at one time. She certainly is that.
The hospital has allowed us to buy formula for her. I didn't even know this was an option, but am happy that she is able to get the extra vitamins and minerals. The nurses put the formula in the same bottles with the same nipples as the keffir. Keffir is thick, formula is not. It comes out way quicker than it used, but she sucks on the nipple with the same intensity. Half the time it sounds like she is drowning. Jennifer M had warned me about this a while ago and now I completely see what she meant. Her solution was to put some rice cereal in to thicken the formula. I am not sure if this is an option at this point, but we will have to try to remember this when she comes home.
Scott has been doing a series of exercises with Alia the last couple of days. She seems to enjoy her little work-out. As I wrote in the previous post, her legs and arms have gotten so much looser. She cannot sit without assistance, but seems to be getting closer to doing that. I do think we have a ways to go in that department.
Alia turns to look at us when we call her name. When Scott is reading to her, he asks her to turn the page and she consistently reaches out to try to do that. We came in one day and the nurses had put a rattle that we brought with us in her crib, so it is nice to know that she has something to play with while we are gone. We came in another day and the ball was in there as well. She easily grabs the rattle now.
As many of you know, these visits are generally more of the same every day. We are further limited by having visitations in an almost empty hospital room. We would love a change of venue at this point, but we still have a while to wait.
Luca wanted to know when Alia would be home. I said hopefully by Halloween. He asked what she would dress up as. I asked him if he could think of a small moon that orbits Jupiter or Saturn. He, of course, had to say, "Well, what about a small moon that revolves around Uranus." I said fine . . . what's a small moon that revolves around Uranus? His reply: Belinda. So, I said maybe Alia can dress up as Belinda. And what will Luca dress up as? Uranus, he replied. Can anyone out there make a Uranus and Belinda costume for me? Please?
Life in Kokshetau
We have internet! I guess that's really the big news here. Something unidentified happened to cause us to lose it. Scott shut everything down in a certain sequence this morning and - VOILA - communication is restored.
I missed talking to Luca. He and my mom tried to call while we were disconnected. They left a message on Skpe. Instead of disconnecting, Skype continued to record. So, I heard my mom and Luca talking and he said, "But I don't want to skip it. I don't want to skip talking to them. My stomach is getting all jumpy because we are skipping it." My chest still compresses and I get weepy when I think of the message. That was the hardest thing about our internet crisis. It's funny how I think I am going to miss so much by not checking my email for a couple of days, but then I check it and, look, things went on! The planet continued to spin.
In absence of the internet, I have done some other things like a bit of meditation. One can't have too much peace. I continue to read Eat, Pray, Love, which is actually a good book to read while traveling since it is a travelogue of sorts. Last night, I sat and talked to the other couple for a good while. Imagine - talking instead of typing :)!
We went out to eat at a restaurant called Pyramid Pizza a couple nights ago. Kazakh pizza is not too bad! I really did not know what to expect. We went with the other couple and their interpreter. It was nice to get out and blow off a little steam.
Most meals are eaten in however. This is a good time of day. We all have a beer or two. M and I cook something up while C & Scott work on the computers or talk. Then, we all sit down at our little kitchen table and share a meal and lots of stories. Afterward, C usually does the dishes and the rest of us go read or watch DVDs or just sit.
Our experiments in the kitchen continue to go well. We have made Lebanese lentils and rice with a cabbage salad (link is similar to what we did) and a roasted tomato & eggplant pasta with a green salad. These two dishes were completely improvised - we did not follow a written recipe. I am a recipe girl - I am LOST without a recipe, so this was pretty big for me. The pasta dish was simple, yet surprisingly good. We have also had vegetable soup.
All four of us go through about a can of Kracks a day, so don't think it is wholesome food 24/7. I really think they have Pringles beat.
Our interpreter took us to a book store after our visit today. We bought 5 books for Alia. Three are in Kazakh, Russian and English. They are about the seasons, animals and Kazakhstan. The other two are in Russian - one is Kazakh folk stories and the other is the Russian alphabet. Two of Scott's colleagues speak Russian, so we hope they can translate or come over and read the stories to Alia.
Scott continues to take his walks in the afternoon. He has gotten some great photos. I will leave you with one that demonstrates Kazakh ingenuity (yes, those are plastic water bottles linked together to serve as a downspout).
Hurray for restored internet!!
Hurray for the cutest hands ever reading that book too!
I hate when you skip a day!!
Sounds like Allia is doing fabulously and that is sooooo awesome! I know she will continue to amaze and impress you as you fall more and more in love with her serene nature!
I'm glad you are enjoying the other couple's company. I am glad you tried the pizza. I Love the pizza, I think better than at home. As far as the food goes, its yummy and I don't miss food at home at all. We have lunch out everyday, but it's late, after 3, after our visits with the lil miss. Dinner is often a cookie or two, or sometimes apple with cheese!
I LOVED Eat, Pray, Love. It was a great book, especially the medidate part. Since I was so into yoga at the time, it really "spoke" to me. :)
I'm sorry you missed talking to Luca..I'm sure it did hurt your heart to miss him and hear that message.
Sean and I will be here 6 weeks tomorrow..that is al ot of togetherness! We have gotten along famously, except..when the schoolwork arrived. It has been a bone of contention-our first couple of arguements. I could really never, ever, homeschool him. :)
Glad all is well...look forward to seeing Scott's photo's of Kokeshetoe(but i'm sure i am spelling it wrong still..)
I didn't even think about how the internet difficulties would affect glad you are back on-line!!
I can't wait to see Alia and Luca dressed up as Belinda and Uranus. She has no idea what she is getting herself into..LOL
She will be getting a crash course in moons and planets!!!
Sooooooooo funny about the Kracks. We survived on them in Russia, made an entire video about it, and cracked up (no pun intended) when we found them again in Kaz. We love the sour cream and onion.
Happy that your internet is restored. I was bored! :) How far little Alia has come in only about 10 days of visits. That is fabulous! I can't wait to see pictures of the big happy family. I do hope you are home for the greatest holiday ever but sadly, making Halloween costumes is not on my "talents" list. You have one smart little boy. My child would like to be a cow.
ps. Sean and i were just reading your post and he is all impressed with Luca and how smart he is. He doesnt even know what Belinda is!
go Luca!
Sean insists that Leeza should be a pumpkin because he was a pumpkin for his first Halloween.
I am undecided at this juncture what she'll be. I really can't think that far ahead. Right now, let's just get Daddy here on sunday!
Talking instead of typing? I really cannot imagine that. 10 days of bonding already?? How can that be? Yes, the world really does keep spinning.
That is tough about Luca missing you so, but it will all be a dream to him when you return. How nice that Alia likes to read. Uranus and Belinda would be some unique Halloween costumes! I read Eat, Pray, Love while in Kaz, too. It kept me up too late at night, because it was so interesting. Those Kracks are like crack, huh?! How nice that you have another couple to hang out with. Glad you have your internet back so you can talk to your other cutie.
Kraks! I forgot about those! Ooh, we ate those a lot! Sounds like Alia is doing so well with you! Glad you have internet now!
Yeah...I'm so glad you're back online! We've been gone all day and I just had to take a peek at your blog.
Great news that things are continuing to go will with Alia. It does sound like you need a change of scenery though :)
How fun for you guys to have another couple there!!
Take care,
Oh wow -- What I have missed!!! A very belated congratulations to you all for making it to Kaz and finding your daughter! She sounds adorable and I couldn't be happier for you!
I just had the chance to catch up and I am just in shock at how much of your journey I've missed. I'm sorry I've been absent for so long, but as I'm sure you know, life with an active 2-year old is all consuming. But all is well with us, and I'm still trying to update my own blog and I'm determined to do so this weekend.
So a side note -- I happen to love the name Serena. It was one of my top picks if we ended up with a girl. I can't wait until you can post photos of your little sweetheart. Are you waiting until court, or until after the appeals period?
All the best,
I think Luca might have some surprises with this little sister... Like, maybe she won't want to be Belinda and be in orbit around her big brother...
I'm glad you guys have Internet access again!
Laura Hatcher
I'm not sure how I would feel about sharing "my space" while there, but it sounds like you have found someone you both get along with. Plus, you make fabulous meals!
The photo of the "water bottle spout" cracks me up.
I am so glad to hear your visits with Alia are going well and she is progressing just with these visits.
I am sorry you missed talking to Luca--it must have been so hard to hear him that way. Try to remember that you will soon be home with him and his little sister-that will make it all worth it.
Boy, reading Luca's comments are heartbreaking. No way around it, the long bonding period is bittersweet. Some day Luca will understand this.
We only have occassional dial-up internet via I card here and I am going nuts! We may one day get DSL, but apparantly there is a long line for installation.
I love the picture of her little hand. It is such a little girl's hand!
Such adorable little hands -- must be attached to an equally adorable little girl!
Sounds like things are going very well with you baby girl and in Kaz in general. Hopefully your internet will not go out again. I can only imagine how rough it is to not be able to talk to your little Luca.
Belinda and Uranus. This is just too cute! Sorry, can't help you with the costumes. I was thinking that I'm going to need something for Kairat, although we will likely only be home for a matter of days and I'm sure Halloween will not be my top priority. Cannot miss the photo op of the first Halloween though! At minimum, I will need those blackmail photos in later years. ;)
Love that water bottle downspout. Resourcefulness does seem to be the name of the game here.
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