Sorry for the late post. BIG DAY! We had to go to court TWICE - 10:00 a.m. & 3 p.m. We may have had the most fastidious judge in the entire country of Kazakhstan. We really did not get put through the ringer - it was everyone else. Scott made his speech (BRAVO - his own kind of labor) and he was asked a few questions (when did we decide to adopt? why not adopt from the U.S.? when did we arrive in Kokshetau? when did we start visiting Alia? were we there every day?). I cried like a baby while I croaked out my few sentences.
Then the judge grilled the MOE representative (social worker?) and the doctor. The prosecutor couldn't have been more disinterested in all of this. He didn't ask us one question. The doctor did not have some paper the judge wanted. Our interpreter needed to present her actual English/interpreter diploma, not a copy. After all this, the judge said get the stuff and come back at 3. There was much rushing around the courthouse to try to figure out exactly what he wanted from the doctor. We waited in the cold, cold lobby wondering what the heck was happening. There was also some hope that we would not have to come back and could go straight to the hospital to pick up Alia as planned. No such luck.
We had to go back to the cottage without Alia. It was hard and I was really worried. I went upstairs and curled up in bed. We froze our tails off at the courthouse - the heat hasn't been turned on here yet. I could not get warm. I actually managed to sleep a bit. I felt numb inside and out.
We went back at 3. Everyone provided what the judge requested. He asked us about 3 times if there was anything else we wanted to add. I thought of flinging myself on the ground and begging him to grant our petition. But, that was probably not such a good idea. There was a new prosecutor this time and he was more disinterested than the morning one. People were visibly annoyed with the judge and his probing. Everyone said they supported the adoption and then the judge said he would be back in 10 minutes. 40 minutes later he returned. Thank goodness for our interpreter and the supremely nice court secretary. I was about to jump out of my skin. Apparently, he was drafting the 4 page decision in his office. When he returned, he read the entire statement.
He named us Alia's parents at the very end. Hooray!
We were rushed off to the hospital to pick her up (in Kokshetau, parents may take custody of the child during the 15 day appeal period). Everything happened so quickly because it was so late that we barely got pictures.
It still feels unreal to me after all the flights and our literal day in court. But, she is laying in a crib upstairs snoozing away. Alia is 15 days away from officially being our daughter. And, for that I am grateful.
End of Day Journaling
1 week ago
Congratulations!! Yippee! I am so happy for you guys!
Wow, what an experience. I am so sorry you had to go through that wait. I bet you're emotionally exhausted!
Now you get to hold her and kiss her up anytime you want tonight! :-)
So do you just hang by the crib and watch her sleep and smile? How wonderful.
Thanks for staying up so late and posting. I was seriously starting to get worried considering you had a new judge and all.
Halleluia! What a hair raising day you had but all is well now. I think I would just stand by her crib and oohhh and aaahhhh. I am so glad she is out of that hospital and in her first real home. I think we'll see her thrive now. Congratulations!
Hurrah! I was at the coomputer last night about the time you were probably arriving at court and thought a lot about you. Then again this morning as thesun was shining I was hoping that ALL of you were tucked into bed. Thanks for news that made my day!
Yippee!! Glad everything went well at court and the judge granted the adoption. As I climbed in bed last night, I looked at the clock and thought about your guys at court. Hoping that everything would go okay with the new judge. Only a couple steps left before you are home and a family of four :)
What a court story!!!! WHOOOHOOO!
Alia is yours.
I am so happy for all of ya'll.
It won't be long before Luca can see her for real. It is soooo exciting!!!
Congratulations—another Gotcha Day!!! Today's Susan's day as well as our 6th month anniversary (April 3).
Very, very happy for you. I can totally relate to your situation. We had a new judge as well and he went over all our documents with a fine toothed comb. We had two court sessions too—coincidentally at the same times 10 & 3. I swear they must've gone to the same law school. Our judge read us his 15-minute decree; the entire time I was balling my eyes out. I felt as though I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I kept staring at our dossier that sat in front of him. How thick it was—what we had to go through to get to this point. I got dizzy at one point, how much longer would it go on? Finally, his decision: we were Nurlan's parents. I'm weeping as I write this. I totally know how you feel.
Congratulations Angela and Scott, you worked very hard for this moment. You finally have your little baby girl. You are finally a family of four.
YAY!! I am so excited for you.. Chris and I have been thinking about you all day long!! I told little Charlie that I already have a girlfriend picked out for him...
Congratulations on your new little girl! Hope you are able to stay warm.
That is wonderful... your baby girl right upstairs. COngratulations. I bet you are just staring at her...
Sorry your day was so trying, but it is a happy ending when you can hold your little one anytime!
What a relief to be through all of that court craziness. Congratulations to you, Scott, and Luca! How wonderful that you have her with you already. It is amazing how different the Kaz experience is based on different areas and different judges. I am looking forward to seeing a photo of the four of you together as a family. Enjoy your time with Alia in Kaz.
Wow I can only imagine how difficult the in between hours were - the whole process is so numbing - you are hopeful and confident and want to believe, yet you are hanging on by a thread knowing that the judge makes the final decision but YEAH YEAH YEAH -such joy from all of us who are so so very happy for you, Scott & Luca and precious baby Alia!!!
Susan is with her little one today as well so the world is a brighter place with such happy things happening in Kaz!
I can't wait for when my son is with us - I can only imagine the feeling!!!!
Continued blessings!!
Congratulatons!!!!!!!!!!! Susan and Griffin
YES! Congratulations Angela, Scott, Luca and Alia! I am so happy for you all.
Was the judge new? He sounds exactly like the a-hole judge we had in Volgograd that sent us back to America, we were his first IA case.
What a frustrating day but it's all over! Alia is yours! Isn't it an awesome feeling.
A great big hug,
Fantastic!!!! Here is to a smooth rest of your trip and a fast and easy flight(s) home!!!!
wow-talk about differnet processess-isn't that crazy?
but, bottom cool that we met each other at the beginning of both our journey's to our girls...and they are spending the night with us on oct 3rd-the very same night.
That is beyond cool.
How stresssful for you-i'm sorry, but it was worth it in the end. How awesome you get to have her for the 15 days. :)
the heat is sure on here..Leeza is loving not wearing socks in our apt-shhhh don't tell.
i'm sorry you were cold-and scared-but now you got your sweet baby girl and life is grand. :)
so, we don't get pics until the 15 days are up? really?? you're killin me!!
Leeza has been amazing-she is practically potty trained and slept until 8:15 this morning and went to bed with no fuss. I am so glad I bougght that potty.
Eating is proving challenging-unless eating only cookies is a good diet for her. :)
We will figure it out, but she spits a lot of food out and my cooking is not the gourmet fare she's used to.
I tried Kefir last night, cuz they told me she has that at night...she turned her nose up. I agree-it was kinda gross. :)
We are indeed blessed m'lday. I was not expecting this transition to be so smooth and wonderfully perfect. It seems so normal and natural-i guess because it's the way it should be!@
Love ya!
congrats congrats congrats .
Congratulations on your new family member...what a great day for you and Alia!
Sounds too familiar to our court day. Very stressful. Regardless congratulations on this big event!
Hopefully the 15 day appeal period goes very fast for you!
Amy Woodward
Jeez I'm a nervous wreck reading this. Living it had to be torture.
Hold that baby tight you have worked very hard for her.
Blessings to You
Tears in my eyes reading that blog entry, and I even already knew how it ended -- I am so happy for you both! Can't wait to meet Alia.
Laura Hatcher ;)
Congratulations. I love that you have her at your cottage, it must be awesome to just sit and stare at her.
Heres to wishing 15 days fly by.
Hugs to you guys,
FANTASTIC NEWS! Congratulations mommy and daddy! And how awesome that you get to take immediate custody of her! WOW. Sorry the judge was such a pain.
I also cried like a baby while I croaked out my few sentences in court. Almost a total meltdown.
I hope you're enjoying having your little sweetie with you every moment. And I can't wait to see photos!
Wow, the court process for Kokshetau sure has changed with the new judge. I am happy you made it through and have Alia at home with you now. Be careful what you wish for on that heat thing. The first couple of days the heat is turned on in the cottage is brutal, then it adjust and levels off. I just remembered Rhys' adoption day is on the 6th, wow how time flies by. Congrats!!
Wow, wow, wow!!!!!!!!!!! Despite the heart attack of a day, so thrilled to hear she's sleeping in your place! Of course, now you KNOW I want to see her, your beautiful daughter. Congratulations!!
Love, Shannon and Alexa
I am so happy for you!!
Congratulations!! So glad court went well, although nerve-wracking. I'm thrilled for you guys and for Alia! Wow! I didn't know any regions were granting custody or waiving appeal periods these days. Custody isn't waiving, but still good! Can't want to see pictures!
Congratulations! That must have been so nerve wracking to have to wait until the afternoon and go back to court. It is so wonderful that you have her with you now!
Congrats!!! What a lot of stress for one day but atleast you still got to get her on the day that you were anticipating! SO very happy for all of you!!!
Can't wait to see pictures!
Congratulations!! What a way to end the process though! It is like they wanted you to experience all the emotions you have felt throughout the process all over again in a few short hours, but to be finished and holding your little girl must be magnificent! Enjoy your time!
YAY!!! I'm so happy for you both!! Congrats!
Hi guys, just want you to know i think if you EVERY DAY. I hope it's going well with Alia ;-)
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