Our coordinator emailed us to tell us that our dossier was FedExed to the consulate on January 28. I will make the assumption that it is there by now and is, hopefully, sitting on a nice person's desk with the other paper babies.
I believe I read that the embassy is backed up because of the infamous holidays, but I don't think that matters all that much to us. More than likely, the dossier will go to Kazakhstan and sit for a while.
One observation I can make about the international adoption process so far is that it is manic. I am trying to find another metaphor - I have read "roller coaster ride" often, but that doesn't really do it for me. One is on a roller coaster for a matter of minutes. This process goes on for months and it changes and seems to change, but doesn't and changes again. Please know that I am not complaining. I know this adopting a child from halfway around the word is tricky business - there are things like borders, countries, culture and governments.
It all seems so far away. When our coordinator gave us an estimate of traveling in August (at the earliest), we talked about changing our gender request. I think we are going to sit tight for now - stick with the request for a girl.
Should he stay or should he go?
One thing I am struggling with is whether we will take our 4 year-old (probably closer to 5 by the time we leave) Luca with us on the first trip or second trip or one trip. He is good-natured and generally laid-back (for a 4 year-old). He really wants to go. He wants to meet "Saskia." I made mushroom pizza last night and he told me that his sister does not like mushrooms - she hates them (he has been reading I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato). I asked him who his sister is and he said "Saskia, of course." I have seen numerous posts on the adoption lists about the pros and cons and I am still not sure. Any thoughts?
P.S. I was just looking at the books listed on the right and was reminded of one I read a while ago. Have you read Love in the Driest Season? It is about a couple who adopted from Zimbabwe. Their story makes adoption from Kazakhstan look like a walk in the park - truly. I think it took them YEARS to gain custody of a baby girl that they nursed back to life.
That's such a cute post, and Luca must know his sister. So go find the girl who doesn't like mushrooms, 'cause she's your daughter!!!!
And I KNOW you'll go before August.
I just know.
Oh, you are so right about it seeming so far away! I agree! I have been worried about what we'll do with Sean, too. He REALLY wants to go. He was going for sure, until I realized how much school he would miss and how that would be overwhelming. I think we've decided that if we go in May, I would most likely pull him out the last month of May. If we go before then, then he will go on the 2nd trip. However, he wants to go "bond" with the baby. I told him he will bond with the baby whenever we go. It's so hard. I will miss him like crazy. We are very close and we've not been apart before except for 5 days.
I think you'll go before August too.
But, It's easier on your heart to just think furthest away. I keep modifying our date taking it further and further out. It gets tricky to plan Sean's summer though...camp, etc.
We'll just have to have faith that we'll go when we're meant to go.
I want Sean to go with us too.
In that Journey to Jemima movie, the mom is crying about leaving her 2 boys. I can totally relate to that.
Luca is adorable. :)
It will be diffcult to leave Luca behind and I can certainly relate to your struggle on what is right. I have thought about it a great deal. On the one hand he would miss you very much as you would miss him, three weeks is a long time to be apart. On the other hand it may be hard to give as much attention as will be needed for the process of meeting and bonding and going through the legal process. I will be available to help as much as you need in August or whatever time frame your travel ends up falling in if choose not to take Luca. Mom
Wow, surprised they are telling you August! I think you'll go before then, but you never know. We are hoping May (our dossier was sent to MFA before Thanksgiving). Having been there done that (this is Kaz adoption #2) we are taking our 2-1/2 year old son and making one trip. We really don't have a choice. WPA/the Sisters will help you if you decide to take Luca, but you must be willing to take a family member or leave him with a non-english speaking babysitter. Since Luca is in preschool, I think he'd be fine for the couple of hours that you visit with baby sister and I'm sure he could come to some of the visits, if not all/most. It's a tough decision, but one that you have time to think on.
I think it may also depend on the region that you are assigned to. You will want to let the agency know if you decide to take him with you so the Sisters can keep that in mind when choosing your region.
If you are definitely going to make two trips, then my advice - spend the first trip with your daughter and bring Luca for the second trip. Best wishes on your decision - I know it's not easy!
Congrats on your dossier going to the consulate!! One step closer to Kaz:) Thanks for the heads up on how quickly USCIS in IL processed everything for you! That definitely will kick me into high gear just in case:)
I wish I had advice on whether or not to bring Luca, but I think you will be able to make the choice that is right for you when the time comes:)
Take care and hopefully you will go over before August!!
Congrats on your baby dossier! I hope it will be soon in Kaz and you will tarvel earlier than August! I dont know what are your choices, but if you can I think Luca would be so happy to go with you :).
Congratulations on reaching the next step! I hope you travel sooner, but the good news is that the weather in August/ September is supposedly BEAUTIFUL in Kaz! My vote is for bringing Luca with you- assuming you are doing one trip. You will have lots of downtime while you are over there, so Luca will probably be a good distraction from some of the craziness of the adoption process. There were a lot of times I had wished we had a distraction while we were over there- then you don't have as much time to stress about every little thing that happens. And that is so super cute that Luca already knows his sister hates mushrooms. What a cutie!
Sweet Luca. He's going to be such a good big brother. I can't speak to the question of whether to take him with. I hear lots of parents do it though.
Congrats on being at the Consulate! August will be here before you know it. Really. :-)
We took Noah with us for the two month trip last year and he did great. He was 2.5 at the time and still talks about certain things he did. I found that the time we spent together was irreplaceable. Both boys benefited from it. Noah was not allowed to come with us to the BH each day so we brought along my MIL to watch him. If you decide to only take him on one trip, I would say #2 since #1 he probably won't really be able to visit the BH all that much. Just my two cents. :)
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