I am right in the middle of teaching a summer class. The idea is to stuff 16 weeks worth of material into 4. The idea is flawed and I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off. At least I get some time to catch up this weekend. The good thing is that the students are engaged and it is over before I know it.
Preparations Continue
I am on a bit of a hiatus from preparing for our trip while I teach, but Scott has started computer shopping. We do not have a laptop, so we would like to purchase one for the trip. After Regina's & Frank's experience with Windows Vista in Kazakhstan, I am concerned. I would hate to get over there and be unable to use the computer. It's all such a mystery . . . how computers and cell phones will work halfway across the planet. Any thoughts on the computer?
A couple of people have sent us stuff like a set of Pimsleur Russian CDs and a Russian-English dictionary. Another AP has offered to send travel containers for formula and lots of other stuff. Jennifer M and Eileen have shared their packing lists. I really appreciate all of this. The generosity of others never ceases to amaze me . . .
Thanks for the kind words
. . . which brings me to the kind comments many of you left on my post about Hope, Meret and Annalisa. I have difficulty trying to figure out how to honor them on their anniversaries. I was very reluctant to write a post because, honestly, I feel like talking about them and writing about them "in public" makes people uncomfortable. Your comments were so kind and generous and thoughtful. I can't really express how much that means to us. It was the perfect way to honor them.
I can't thank you enough.
I just wanted to say-DO NOT GET VISTA! It causes so many problems. You can get computers with Windows XP on them instead of Vista. Even the computer guys where I work who want to upgrade everytime anything changes refuse to put Vista on any computer.
I got a laptop (just for Kaz) and it has Vista. but I bought it last November and I didn't know.
so, oh well, that's what I have.
i will share my packing list with you after i pack.
I do know of people who used Vista with no problem though, but that probably won't be me. But, OH WELL.
I'm a Dell fan, but for no good reason other than that is what I've used at my last two companies. They do make reasonably priced personal laptops too. I would NOT get Vista. As Julie said, the bugs are many even in the US. Have you seen those Mac commercials? Hysterical! Anyway, order whatever you choose with XP instead.
Yep, I agree with everyone else on Vista. Jim used to be in IT and he refuses to touch it. In fact, if a laptop came with Vista, he'd uninstall it and reinstall an older Windows OS. He did take his Mac with him and that worked just fine, but again, he's a guru. I second Alysa on the Dell's. My one piece of advice (if I may offer it), is not only to get it as soon as possible, but start using it right away to work out the bugs and the kinks. If something goes wrong in the first month, better to know now than later. The other thing to do is hook the new laptop up to dial up and use dial up for emails and updates to the blog for a week or two. Practice if you will. I've actually heard of people getting to Kaz with their new laptop only to find out they didn't even have a modem in the machine!! Test tries and practice runs are invaluable.
Thanks for the shout out. If there's any way I can be of more help, just holler.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
i did not have Vista and I did not have problems with my old lap top. I did not have a cell phone in Kaz and i am very happy bcs we really did not need it. We used the phone from the apartment and yahoo messenger and skype to chat and make phone calls to US. It was more than enough. However, we have no family in US and did not have to make too many phone calls.
we are pretty much morons when it comes to computers, which is why we LOVE our apple book. Idiot proof.
Sorry I'm a Mac person and you know what happened to my laptop while traveling. I must say, having a cell phone was a real blessing in Uralsk. I always felt like I was just one call away from my translator and in-country coordinators. Our in-country coordinator had a spare phone, which we used and the Nursat cards worked beautifully.
Not to stir things up, but I have Vista and I didn't have any computer/internet problems. Perhaps it's a regional issue? Don't know but I could always access the internet with the nursat card and could always upload photos.
If you need anything, just let me know!
Get.a.MAC!!!! So easy, so awesome, not one problem while we were there. Totally hip too! Hip new computer to go with the hip parents! :)
I did a lot of online courses and that's what it was all about - 16 weeks into 8 - tough but you could not miss a beat or you were screwed. Compelling, like you said.
We brought a Dell with Vista to Ust and haven't had any problems whatsoever. I second Jennifer M's comment that it is very important to have your computer ahead of time so that you can get used to it. It is also a good idea to take your computer and do a few trial runs in various situations. For example, find a place where you can access public WiFi and practice connecting to it. Also, try to find somewhere you can try a dial up connection, just so you know the process. As fo uploading pictures, you probably already know this, but make sure you know how to decrease the file size so that it doesn't take too long to upload on dial-up. Unfortunately, many people think that if they just reduce the physical size of the picture that it also reduces the file size. It doesn't and has caused many of these people a lot of unnecessary frustration.
Take Care,
Hi there, you might recall we could not get our Mac computers to link to the WiFi network in Ust, but we believe it was a hotel issue, not a region issue. So, my advice would be, if at all possible, to research the actual location where you will be staying, and try to track down anyone who has stayed there before. At least then you can prepare yourself with what to expect, even if you have already purchased your computer before you have that location detail.
Feel free to move our Karen & Glenn blog link to the "home sweet home" list. :-) Thank you so much for all of your support. You can bet we'll be sending you the same love and encouragement when you travel!!
We have the Windows Vista and haven't had a problem here. I would definitely say that you should not even think about going to Kaz without a laptop. And you should definitely get a cell phone that you know will work before you get here (and sign up with Skype, too, it is the bomb). Don't count on the sim cards working from what people are telling us. I wanted to tell you that I have used the Bob Marley song on your blog as a theme song here...don't worry, bout a thing, every little thing, is gonna be alright.
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