Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mothers' Miracles

Luca is an honest to goodness miracle. He was conceived years after we started trying to start a family. I can't really remember what made us start trying. Scott was still in grad school and we were in our very early 30s living in a 5 room apartment in St. Louis working our butts off. Maybe we were driven by some sort of internal clock or hormones. I did not think much past getting pregnant, which is such a funny thing because I am kind of obsessive about anticipating things. I always want to be prepared. Even after we got pregnant, I did not think a lot about life after our baby was born. I was focused on having a successful pregnancy (a good outcome - medical terminology I became familiar with later) - I faithfully read Sears The Pregnancy Book, but did not think to pick up The Baby Book. I could not think any further than that little embryo.

We prepared for the birth with a 10 page birth plan and a doula (who's job was to go buy me vegetable broth at the grocery store because I had a C-section and we did not need any coaching - just broth that wasn't made from anything that had a face). We had a room, a crib and a larger, safer car. But, I still did not see the baby living with us.

When he was finally born in all his 10 pound glory, I stared over at his swaddled body in the plastic crib in disbelief. There he was - this little person whose knee stuck out of my side for the past few months - finally.

Nothing could have prepared me for motherhood - for becoming the center of someone's universe. It is joyous . . . overwelming . . . amazing. I spent some time in the bathroom crying because I was so overwelmed - the nursing, the sleepless nights, the 24 hour care, wondering if I was doing the right thing, fear of losing him somehow. But, I never wanted anything different. Now, our life together as a family is easy, infinitely fulfilling. And, the bond I have with my son is indescribable.

Another Miracle
Eighteen months later, we were pregnant with triplets - TRIPLETS! Once I got over the shock and found the faith to believe that everything would be okay, everything wasn't. Hope, Meret and Annalisa were born at almost 23 weeks gestation. Their existence was a miracle - it was also unlikely that we would lose them. But, we did.

I think of them everyday. I will think of them tomorrow especially. Three years ago, I was anticipating being their mother. A month later they were gone. As another loss mom recently explained about living with neonatal loss, "It gets different, but you never get over it."

Waiting for Yet Another Miracle
So, here I am, on the eve of another Mother's Day waiting for another miracle. I still don't believe sometimes. I still wonder if we will have the opportunity to parent another child. It is so fundamental . . . an experience so many seem to take for granted, but has proven elusive to so many others.

I wish all of you a happy Mother's Day - whether you have your miracle or are still waiting. Here's to hope . . . and MIRACLES!


Joby and Marla said...

Your post had me all teared up!!! Happy Mother's Day! I hope you hear Good News Soon!!!!

Regina said...

Happy Mother's Day Angela. Thank you for sharing your very painful experience. You will always be the mother of those 3 little girls.

And yes, more miracles await you. I'm sure of it.

Sam said...

What a sweet post. Happy Momma's day.....
and here's to the new little miracle that is coming into your life soon......

Anonymous said...

A beautiful post.

Thad and Ann said...

what a story! I teared up thinking of your miracles. yes, you have another little miracle waiting out there for you. Happy Mothers Day!

Jennifer said...

I don't even know what to type. Other than to heave great big sobs. I can't begin to imagine the pain you went through, and still feel. Not only that, but combined with the absolute joy of loving and knowing Luca. I imagine there are times and days when both emotions hit at the same time and twine themselves within and cause a battlefield of emotion occuring inside your head and heart.

Happy Mother's Day my dear friend. I am joyful, sorrowful, and hopeful for you all at once.

I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!

Karen said...

What a bittersweet day for you. But another miracle is about to unfold for you. Happy Mother's Day Angela!

dnd82001 said...

I'm not usually at a loss when writing however nothing seems to feel like it will be the right words so.........

I do hope you have a beautiful Mother's Day!!


Anonymous said...


Happy Mother's Day. Miracles en route.

Susan said...

Happy Mother's day. Children are indeed miracles, and your girls are being miracle lil angels for God right now. I can't imagine the grief you felt and still feel.

Being a mother is truly the hardest job I've ever had. Everyone said that, but I'm still getting that every day.

Saskia will be your next miracle!!

Bless you sweet friend. :)

Amy said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Tracy said...

WOW... that was great. What a moving testimony. Just think, next year at this time we will have our new miracles. Enjoy your son and remember your girls, imagine the one to come... Happy mothers day!


Unknown said...

That was such a beautiful post. Happy Mother's Day to you, and to all of us who are still waiting.

annetta said...

Dear Angela,You are my miracle. I miss our little girls so much. Saskia will be with us soon, in the mean time we have the best little boy in the world to love.

Kim said...

Well that certainly made me cry. I really don't even know what to say. How very brave to share your story with us. Doesn't it feel good to write from the heart?

This part "It is so fundamental . . . an experience so many seem to take for granted, but has proven elusive to so many others." sent me over the edge. So true!

Angela, your miracle is coming. And when she does I will definitely be cheering loudly!


Tricia said...

You never really know what people have been through until they share their story. I can understand why it would make the uncertainty of adoption and wait for Saskia even more difficult. Wishing you one (or two?) more miracle.

marsrob said...

A truly beautiful post. Your son is lucky that you are his mommy. And I am so sad reading about your loss of your 3 girls. That must have been devastating beyond belief - and I am sure they'll be with you in your heart forever. And next comes the next lucky little kid to get you as a mommy. Wow, thank you for sharing. That was really magnificent. Very courageous and caring.

McMary said...

What a beautiful post Angela--You have experienced all aspects of motherhood even that which we hope to never experience. As a mother of 4 and soon to be mother of 5 (or more) I wish you a Happy Mother's Day (a little late).